
Davines ENERGIZING kit STIMULATING - energizing shampoo + seasonal ampoules

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  • €94,81
  • Regular price €99,80
  • 2 available
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Revitalizing seasonal treatment: the combination of Energizing shampoo and Energizing Seasonal ampoules is perfect for cleansing the hair, giving a feeling of energy and well-being to the scalp. It is indicated both in cases of falls due to stress and seasonal factors, and as a preventative treatment.

ENERGIZING Shampoo: Stimulating product for fragile scalp and hair, prone to falling out.

Energizing Seasonal Superactive vials: reduces hair loss and improves its density and body*:
- -23% hair loss
- +5% hair density

*Instrumental tests on 20 subjects, after 56 days of use.

The Kit contains: 

1 bottle sh energizing 250ml

1 pack of 12 seasonal vials of 6ml

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