
laSaponaria - Soothing Toothpaste for Kids Strawberry

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Spedizione gratuita sopra i 58€

The natural toothpaste to take care of the wonderful smiles of the little ones and to keep their teeth intact and shiny to be given to the tooth fairy. It has a sweet strawberry flavor and containsaloe vera juiceandcalendulaextract > organic, to soothe, refresh and protect your child's oral cavity, helping to prevent the onset of cavities and tartar.

Strictly fluoride-free

Recommended method of use :
Squeeze (a little) toothpaste onto the toothbrush and rubthe teeth delicately with circular movements. Sing "happy birthday to you..." in your mind, don't stop brushing until the song is over. Rinse your mouth and give a nice clean kiss to whoever is next to you. Then, if it's evening, go straight to bed, if it's morning... hurry up!

Formato: 75ml

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