
LaSaponaria - Mirtilla cleansing mousse 150ml

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Soft and delicate, this  facial cleansing mousse pampers and gently cleanses even the most demanding skin and will make you feel light, clean and radiant.

It is a soft organic cleansing mousse made withnatural and sustainable ingredientsand its formulation is so special because it contains all the energy and vitality of nature.

The Mirtilla organic facial cleansing mousse containsConstitutional Blueberry Water, regenerating and antioxidant,Hyaluronic Acid, to donate hydration and radiance to the skin,active extract of Venere Rice, rich in minerals and natural antioxidants, andCalendula, a very sweet KM0 ingredient capable of pampering and soothing even the most inflamed souls!

Its bottle ismade of sea plastic.

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