
LaSaponaria - Wondermask - Anti-aging fabric mask

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  • Regular price €4,09
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Illuminating and plumping biocomplex of tamarind, argan, hyaluronic acid, phytoretinol and pomegranate

The wondermask capable of defending our skin from the signs of aging and defeating greyness and the force of gravity. Her super-powers are given by a very high concentration of natural phytocomplexes capable of creating a truly intensive and energizing treatment to reinvigorate even the most tired and dull skin.

Its secret weapons arehyaluronic acidwith very low molecular weight andtamarind extract with a filling and tightening effect,Phytoretinol(vegetable extract with the properties of Vitamin A) to help stimulate the skin renewal,Moringa and Gingerwith detox action, phytocomplex ofargan, grapeand a mix of antioxidant and hydrating agents to illuminate every skin with radiant beauty

Disposable mask in 100% biodegradable cellulose fabric, after use you can separate it into organic matter!

Shake the bag and drop the mask to the bottom, massage it to absorb all the serum, open and apply it!

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