
Ishi LAB24 BOOST NIGHT STRONG - slimming strong night

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  • Regular price €56,05
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ISHI LAB 24+ is the most advanced solution for the treatment of adiposity, skin fat, adipose cellulite and body shape disharmonies, since it acts in a natural and safe way, stimulating tissue metabolism, activating lipolysis and detoxification, finally protecting DNA, thus increasing skin elasticity and restoring harmonious lines.

Strong slimming serum for the night

 Slimming and reducing serum with impact effect, expressly formulated for night use. The composition extraordinarily rich in natural bioactive compounds with a stimulating action on fat metabolism, in particular in contrast to the decrease in energy needs corresponding to night rest, makes it an ideal complement in any slimming treatment and for problems of localized and widespread adiposity.

It is used every evening, after having activated it, shaking it vigorously for at least ten times, applying a little to the areas of greatest interest, on clean, dry skin, massaging briefly until absorbed. A certain sensation of heat, even lasting, is to be considered normal and is a consequence of the physiological effect of the product. If perceived as excessive, it is advisable to reduce the quantity of product applied.

1 bottle of 50ml

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