
LaSaponaria - Coenzyme Q10 - Moisturising, protective and anti-aging facial serum 30ml

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Spedizione gratuita sopra i 58€

Coenzyme Q10 is a molecule found in all cells of the body and for this reason it is also called Ubiquinone. As the years go by, our body produces less and less and it is important to integrate it through the use of a serum.

This pure active ingredient has a powerfulantioxidant actionwhich counteracts the formation of free radicals, the cause of premature aging. It enhances the effect of vitamin E and delays its oxidation, giving the face a younger and fresher appearance.

At the same time it isa hydrating facial serumcapable ofreestablishing the lipid barrier , promoting the proper functioning of cell membranes and carrying out a real protective action. It is an anti-aging facial serum, energizing and revitalizing which gives new light to even the most tired skin!

Our pure active ingredients are not photosensitizing! You can use Coenzyme Q10 morning and evening, even in summer!

Format : 30ml

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