
Davines RENEWING Conditioning Treatment for longevity

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  • Regular price €12,54
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Nourishes, hydrates and promotes the well-being of skin and hair. It stimulates both the scalp and the hair, making the hair fiber healthy, compact and shiny, without weighing it down.

Anti-aging and antioxidant effect for skin and hair.
Hair softness +37%.
Hair shine +29%.
Hair body +29%.

*Self-evaluation test on 50 subjects, after 28 days of constant use of Renewing Shampoo, Conditioning Treatment and Serum Superactive.
This versatile product can be used pre- or post-shampoo.

For normal hair: after shampooing, apply to scalp and towel-dried hair to obtain optimal prevention results.
Leave on for 3-5 minutes, comb and rinse. Proceed with drying.
For fine hair: can also be used as a pre-shampoo treatment for a light conditioning effect, also suitable for fine hair. In this case, it should be applied to wet skin and hair, left to act for 3-5 minutes, after which it is rinsed and then proceeded with normal shampoo.
For normal to coarse hair: For maximum conditioning results, apply the product as a pre-shampoo treatment and leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse. Proceed with shampoo and after rinsing, apply it again for 3-5 minutes. Rinse and proceed with drying.
60ml, 250ml and 1000ml packs

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