
UNIQA KIT Complete Beauty Routine - 3D Cream + Vitamin A + Cleansing Mousse

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Daily sebum regulating anti-wrinkle treatment for a complete beauty routine - limited edition box set.

The use of a delicate cleanser and Vitamin A and 3D represents a gesture of love towards your skin and an excellent ally for hygiene and a sebum-regulating anti-wrinkle treatment:

  • UNIQA MOUSSE is a delicate and soft foam that cleanses and removes impurities from all skin types, even the most sensitive ones. Daily use helps prevent any form of redness, leaving the skin fresh, elastic and pleasantly velvety.
  • UNIQA VITAMIN Aperforms three different actions with a single application:

    1- stimulates the natural renewal of the most superficial cells of the skin which will have a younger and healthier appearance. This stimulation also acts on the most pronounced wrinkles, smoothing them "from below" like a Scrub or Peeling

    2-stimulates the production of Collagen and Elastin, fundamental substances that give tone and elasticity. More elastic skin shows less signs of aging

    3- regulates sebum production. This is the action for which retinoids (the family of which Retinol is part) are known especially among young people. Oily or acne-prone hair finds great benefit in the action of natural regulation of sebum production

    Vitamin A is known for its exfoliating action, which removes the most superficial layers of the epidermis (the outermost layer of our skin) which make the skin dull and dull, making it return to its toned and luminous. By stimulating cell renewal, Vitamin A reduces the thickness of the epidermis and, together with the exfoliating actionjust seen,visibly reduces wrinkles, giving a new light to the skin of the face

  • UNIQA 3D CREAM: Definitive – Daily – Do All.
    • The smart cream that adapts perfectly to your skin tone
    • A multifunctional cream that hydrates, illuminates, nourishes, protects the skin and covers imperfections
    • Excellent base for make-up
    SPF 30 face
    It is a multifunctional All-In-One product, a bit of makeup, a bit of anti-aging cream. It provides an even skin tone, making the face more radiant. UNIQA 3D CREAM is also a valid eye contour, and its benefits are visible from the very first application. In the long term, it acts as a true anti-aging treatment, protecting the face from UV rays thanks to a protective factor of SPF 30.


  • 28 Single doses of UNIQA VITAMIN A (Retinol, concentration 5%)
  • A 150ml bottle of UNIQA Mousse
  • 1 tube of 3D Cream 40ml


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